Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How to Respect Your Parents

How to respect your parents? There are many days set aside in non-Islamic societies to honour and appreciate special people; examples of these are Father's Day, Mother's Day, Memorial Day and Labour Day. In Islam, however, respecting, honouring and appreciating parents is not just for a single day of the year, but rather for each and every day. Parents in the Quran: A Muslim child should respect and appreciate his or her parents on a daily basis. Allaah mentions that human beings must recognise their parents and that this is second only to the recognition of Allaah Himself.Throughout the Quran, we notice that parents are mentioned with appreciation and respect. In the Quran, there is a very beautiful description of how parents are to be treated; Allaah Says (what means):  Ã¢â‚¬Å"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as] ‘uff' [i. e. , an ex pression of irritation or disapproval] and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say: ‘My Lord!Have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small. ‘†Ã‚  [Quran 17:23-24] The recognition and respect of parents is mentioned in the Quran eleven times; in every instance, Allaah reminds children to recognise and to appreciate the love and care that they have received from their parents. One such example is when Allaah says what means:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"And We have enjoined upon man goodness to parents†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚  [Quran 29:8 & 46:15] 3. In Chapter Al-An'aam, Allaah reemphasises that people should be kind to their parents; He says what means:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Say: ‘Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited to you. He commands] that you not associate anything with Him, and to parents, good treatment†¦ ‘†Ã‚  [Quran 6:151] Mother First Among parents, it is usually the mother who makes the most sacrifice and endures the most hardship in the care of her children. She gives birth and looks after them. Islam recognizes this fact, offering more honor to the mother as a parent. Muhammad once said, â€Å"Paradise is placed at the mothers' feet,† so high is their status and regard. The Qur'an reminds people of the sacrifices and hardships that mothers face on behalf of their children. â€Å"And e enjoined upon mankind concerning parents: his mother carried him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is two years. Therefore show gratitude to Allah and to your parents† (Qur'an 31:14). On another occasion, some people asked the Prophet Muhammad, â€Å"To whom should we show kindness first? † He answered, â€Å"Your mother. † Then he was asked again, â€Å"And after that, then whom? † Muhammad again replied, â€Å"Your mother. † He was asked yet again, and he gave the same reply again: â€Å"Your mother. † Only af ter that, when he was asked one more time, did he answer, â€Å"Then, your father. Duties to Parents Our life would not be possible without the sacrifice and hard work of our parents, who cared for us and met all our needs when we were young. The Qur'an addresses this point in one touching verse: â€Å"And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. If one or both of them attain old age during your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor repel them. But address them in terms of honour, and lower to them the wing of humility, out of mercy, and say, ‘My Lord!Bestow on them Your Mercy, as they did bring me up when I was young’† (Qur'an 17:23–24). Muslims are advised to treat their parents gently and respectfully. They should always strive to please them and never become impatient or rude with them. Muslims consider it an honour and a blessing to be able to care for their parents in old age. After all, it's th e least we can do to repay them for all of their hard work and sacrifice. Nursing homes and hospice care are new phenomena in the Muslim world, and they are not widely accepted.Elderly and ill family members almost always remain in the homes of children or relatives, cared for and respected until death. Muhammad encouraged his followers to treat their parents well and to be mindful of their needs. Once, a young man came to him and wanted to join the Muslim army on the battlefield to defend the community from attack. Muhammad asked him if his parents were living. When the young man said they were, he told him: â€Å"Then go back to your parents, serve them, and deal with them kindly.This is as good as fighting for God's sake. † Muslims consider their parents' opinions about important matters, such as choosing a career path, spouse, or place to live. As a Muslim gets older, any income she earns is partially used to support her parents and meet their needs. A Muslim prays that a fter their deaths, God will forgive her parents and show mercy toward them. Also, you should always listen and obey to the commands that your parents have told you to do. Always take care of them afterall to have them is a big gift.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Psycological Contract Essay

The psychological contract is a little difficult to define because as George (2009, pg3) states it ‘is implicit in that it is unspoken, unwritten and often only becomes apparent when it is breached, causing feelings of violation’ none the less it is extremely important part of the business and can be what ‘binds the employee and the employer together’ (Robinson and Rousseau, citied in George 2009 pg4) ‘through the mutual expectations of input and outcome’ outlined by Businessballs (2010) CIPD (2004, p5) outlines some of the things that people look for in a psychological contract: Employee attitude surveys undertaken by the CIPD since 1996 have been analysed by David Guest, Kings College London, and Neil Conway, Birkbeck College. The surveys have consistently focused on a number of key issues, including: satisfaction, motivation, fairness, trust, job security, loyalty, work–life balance, commitment. Downsizing is the process of removing layers from the company, sometimes known as retrenchment, involving potential redundancies, wage cuts and other general cut backs (Rollinson p41). In this text I will be looking at the effects downsizing can have on the psychological contract whether it can reduce the likelihood of a violation, with particular interest in what makes this ‘contract’ so important, what both the employer and employee are looking for within it and how other factors such as age and social media can have an impact. Businessballs(2010)back up the fact that ‘the psychological contract refers to the relationship between an employer and its employees’ and, in employment terms, it is about finding the balance between how the employee is treated by its employer, and what the employee puts into the job. CIPD (2004) surveys show that ‘90% of HR managers think the psychological contract is a useful concept for helping to manage the employment rel ationship’ this is brought by the, increasing, realisation that employee motivation, satisfaction and commitment can be very influential in the overall business performance, and if an employer can establish and maintain a positive psychological contract with its employee a sustainable business value is more likely to be met (CIPD 2004). So essentially it is a form of guarantee where ‘if each does his or her part, the relationship will be mutually beneficial’ (Robinson and Rousseau, citied in George 2009 pg4). This brings me to my first reason supporting the fact that Downsizing could reduce the likelihood of a psychological contract violation. In a recent survey it showed that staff given an adequate voice are more likely to be engaged and satisfied (CIPD 2009, p2). With downsizing likely to result in the removal of layers of supervision and middle management, the employee voice is more likely to be expressed as those remaining are likely to have more responsibilities and a say in day to day decisions through the process of empowerment (Rollinson 2008, p522) all things likely to strengthen the psychological contract, as if the employee is working harder the employer will be pleased and the employee will enjoy having more of a say and new responsibilities. In addition to this (CIPD 2009 p7) survey showed that ‘Direct’ channels of voice between employees and line managers/senior leaders are both more common and seen as more important than ‘indirect’ or ‘representative’ channels’ their surveys also showed one to one meetings with line managers to be ‘the most important facilitator of voice’ so again this is likely to be made easier through the process of downsizing as they will have the time to deal with less people and with the hierarchy likely to be ‘flatter†¦ and lateral rather than vertical communication is much more common.’ (Rollinson 2008, p522). However there is a lot of evidence to suggest downsizing is likely to have a negative effect on the psychological contract represented by ‘a number of rigorous empirical studies has shown that many empowerment initiatives fail to deliver their expected advantages and that employees can end up less committed than before’ (Rollinson 2008, p 522) as well as ‘a leading British survey has noted, taken overall, the combined effects of work reorganisation and downsizing have led to an extraordinary intensification of work pressure’ (Thompson and Mchugh 2002, p189). This is due to the additional work load and burden left for the employees that remain at the business and often just using a more flattering term such as empowerment will not have the desired effect (ibid.) as well as the apprehension caused by initiatives like downsizing which inevitably leads to the reduction of commitment and loyalty (Savery et al. 1998, citied in Rollinson 2008, p42). With 3 key aspe cts to the psychological contract, mentioned at the start (motivation, loyalty and commitment), likely to be lacking after downsizing the business performance could potentially take more damage ‘because headcount reductions tend to occur across the board†¦ quite frequently, the very people who will be needed to ensure future organisational success disappear as well’ (Rollinson 2008, p50) with performance slacking the employer won’t be satisfied and if the important employees leave then clearly they are not satisfied with the way things are being run and therefore there must have been some break down in the psychological contract. Downsizing can bring other negative aspects to your business in the form of ‘politicking’ which happens in all business to a certain degree, through the form of complaints, adherence to rules etc. but is more likely to happen when resources are reclining or changes are taking place (Robbins et al. 2010, p380/382). With the aim of politicking often being to ‘block or inhibit another group (or individual) from achieving goals’ (Rollinson 2008, p414). Political behaviour is more likely to happen when there is a lack of trust within the organisation (Robbins et al. 2008) and therefore is another suggestion that the psychological contract has been breached, due to downsizing. This argument if backed up in (ibid.) which states ‘there is very strong evidence that perceptions of organisational politics are negatively related to job satisfaction. The perception of politics also tends to increase job anxiety and stress’. Although this shows strong evidence that downsizing could lead to violations in the psychological contract it is not guaranteed, as business balls stress, the outcome of change relies strongly on how it is sold to whoever is concerned (2010) by sold they are referring to how well ‘the use of persuasion, influence or incentive, in causing someone or a group to do something they would probably not otherwise do’ If done properly it is likely the psychological contract will be strengthened as ideally you will meet some sort of compromise and both parties will be happy as ‘persuasion can produce mutually positive outcomes in some situations’ (ibid.). However if a lot of persuasion is involved when trying to implement change on someone it is usually because they are unlikely to accept the situation otherewise, and if pushed too hard it is possible to put off those being persuaded and is unlikely to produce a good outcome for the persuader either (business balls 2010). This is extremely relevant to the psychological contract because it involves a lot of trusted. The transition is always likely to go more smoothly, and the psychological contract can remain strong if the leader is open with his employees giving them all the information and an honest explanation ‘People need to know what lies ahead, and to be consulted and supported in dealing with it.’ (ibid.) There are many things that can affect the psychological contract at an organisation, but it is not the same for everyone. Generation diversity has a huge impact on modern business with organisations having to counter for the different age groups who are unlikely to have the same needs and expectations, for example ‘older, mid- and late career employees were more likely to believe that their psychological contracts are unreplicable’ (Ng Feldman 2008, citied in George 2009 p125) potentially making them a safer option to employ as they will have less concerns when their contract is breached. The importance in taking all the different generations into account is outlined in a recent study (CIPD 2008): The speed of communications, the pace of change to meet mass markets, economic migration and more rigorous Public sector accountability, make this a unique time in the workplace. These have all placed greater emphasis than ever before on the need for organisations to be agile and harness different capabilities. Skills in digital technology, information management and entrepreneurialism are mixed with longstanding wisdom, change management and customer service ethos. The four generations in the workplace are bringing divergent skills, learning styles and expectations around reward. These four generations consist of the veterans, baby boomers, generation x and generation z, as well as the start of generation Z which consist of 16 year olds and younger soon to be a part of modern day business. They develop their different approaches to business through social trends, education, and technology (CIPD 2008). When looking at the psychological contract it is going to be more positive if there is a common goal (George 2008, p4) and therefore it is important to look at what each generation can offer you. Studies in the United States found that ‘(65+) are hardworking, conservative and conforming†¦ mid-40 to mid-60†¦ achievement, ambition and dislike of authority. Late-20s to early 40’s value work/life balance, relationship, dislike of rules†¦ under 30s value financial success, confidence and loyalty to self and relationships’.(Robbins et al. 2008, -95) ‘By understanding what motivates its employees, an organisation can develop a compelling value proposition to engage and reward them.’ (CIPD 2008, p10). Not only does it point out the differences between the generations but it can also help employers recognise ‘generic values’ (Ibid.) with only 4% of people feeling that a competitive deal and job security was not important when being offered a job, all with the exception of a few veterans looked for personal development as well as there being a significant demand for people management skills, technology development leadership training and knowledge about their organisation. (CIPD 2008, p11) Essentially it is finding the right mix to suit each individual that makes up the psychological contract, ‘Proactively managing the organisation’s employer brand and reflecting generational differences in job design, will be fundamental drivers of attraction and engagement’ (CIPD 2008 p35) Google are an example of an organisation who have got this balance right and have been rewarded with the reputation of number 1 place for graduates to work. This is due to the combination of internal rewards, a consistent recruitment process, a variety of social and professional interest groups, a consistency globally in terms of technology and a personal recruitment process and other benefits which keep the employee happy which makes them want to keep the employer happy and thus an extremely positive psychological contract is built (CIPD 2008) In addition to keeping up with the modern generations it is also important for companies to show an interest in modern technology. However the introduction of social media sights have shown a recent concern amongst employers as CIPD 2009 survey suggest ‘most either forbade (21.1%) or discouraged it (45.5%)’ this is due to the things people might say about their company with (Robbins et al. 2010) recording that ’39 per cent of individual bloggers say they have posted comments that could be construed as harmful to their company’s reputation’ realistically this is a breach in the psychological contract and the reason employers are reluctant for their employees to use them. On balance it is clear that the psychological contract can play a key role in the success of the business and any violations to it can be extremely costly. However with reference to the question it is hard to say whether or not downsizing reduces the chances of the contract being violated, because although if managed carefully people could feel the benefits through empowerment and if the employer is fair and open with the employee it could help build a stronger relationship (business balls 2010), I feel the evidence to suggest your staff are likely to feel increased stress and pressure from the work load and as shown in (CIPD 2004, p17) list of top fifteen ways to develop a good psychological contract number one is ‘Avoid redundancies whenever possible: redundancies lower morale’ which suggests you are starting on the back foot by downsizing. Anon. (2010) The psychological contract [online][viewed 10/12/2012] CIPD. (2009) Learning and development. Annual survey report. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. CIPD (2008) Gen Up how the four generations work. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development CIPD (2004). Practical Tools from CIPD research. London: chartered Institute of Personnel and Development George C. (2009). The Psychological Contract. Maidenhead: Open University Press Robbins S.P, T.A Judge, T.T Campbell. 2010. Organizational Behaviour. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall Rollinson D. (2008). Organisational behaviour and analysis, an integrated approach. 4th ed. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall Thompson P, Mchugh D. (2002) Work Organisation. 3rd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave

Monday, July 29, 2019

Causes And Consequences Of Bribery In International Business Essay

Causes And Consequences Of Bribery In International Business - Essay Example Earlier regulations against corruption focused on companies in China only. Foreign companies often had to pay for getting licenses, indulge in the black market, evade customs, pay for foreign trips of officials, payments of their kids’ foreign education, or form cartels to overcome the system. The loose implementation of FCPA made it easier for US companies to indulge in corruption practices.  The â€Å"Criminal Law of the PRC† covers acts of bribery of state officials and employees of state-owned enterprises. The â€Å"Law Against Unfair Competition of the PRC† stops companies from giving money or property to customers.  The presence of grey areas such as the issue of gifts below the monetary value of $600 makes it less effective. The laws are framed in such a way that any kinds of gifts to anybody can be interpreted by manipulation of the law.  To control corruption practices, the US Company while starting its business in China, should modify its policies and procedures to suit the culture of the country, along with continuous training and reminding of the rules.  The comments by the US Foreign Services Agent highlight the shortcomings in the existing law and the inclination of agents towards helping US companies in corruption matters to provide them a level playing ground field with other country's companies.  1. The different types of bribes, payments or favors are payments for licenses to import and export, payment for foreign trips of Chinese officials, payment for the foreign apartment, foreign education of kids, payments to sell or purchase goods, payments to state officials in return of some favors, payments to evade customs.  6. The comments by the former US Foreign Service Agent highlight the flaws in the legal system, and unethical behavior of the agents. It is unethical as well as illegal to assist business by providing them the best corruption practices.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Canon in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Canon in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - Essay Example The canons describe the nature of the relationship that God required a man to establish both among themselves and with Him. By upholding the specific religious laws, the canons succeed in safeguarding the longevity of the faiths since successive lineages pass the canons orally or through articulate literature. In doing this, the canons further succeed in creating the peaceful and cohesive societies envisioned by God. The same concept and role of the canons manifest itself in Christianity as well. The first set of laws in the bible originates from God as he strives to regulate the behavior of the Israelites. With the introduction of Jesus in the New Testament, Jesus reaffirms the need for upholding the laws besides introducing a feature of liberty in the religion. In retrospect, the above discussion presents the position and the role of canons in the respective religions. The laws are both written and oral often passed down through a series of linages through the teachings of the reli gious leaders. The nature of the canons just as is the case with the other religions strives to unify the adherents of the faith by providing a standard for behavior. This results in the creation of holistic and equally cohesive societies. The Torah, which is the holy book in Judaism, provides a chronological set of required behaviors thus providing the adherents of the faith with a series of legislation often interpreted by the leaders of the religion thus ensuring the longevity of the faith as has been the case.

Military Personnel and its Benefits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Military Personnel and its Benefits - Essay Example Sadly, the mundane world is governed by economic and strategic constraints. Still, in a starkly pragmatic context, the reality is that in the contemporary scenario, not only the military personnel are getting less than sufficient benefits, but such curtailing and liquidation of benefits could have dire consequences for the national security and the overall morale of the military. Lately, the Congress and the Federal administration has been vociferously evincing the desire to not only downsize the military but also to cut on the benefits to military personnel and the veterans, going by the current economic meltdown and the recessionary trends (Scarborough A01). The direct conclusion that could be drawn from such intentions is that not only the nation does not have enough money to pay the salary to military personnel, but the military personnel could also expect a further cut in the benefits being extended to them. One thing that needs to be kept on the mind is that the proposed cuts are not in consonance with the nation’s strategic requirements, but rather are the results of the hypothetical financial calculations being resorted to being the Congress (Bennett 1). Hence, any shrinking in the number of armed personnel or the benefits they deserve could have dire consequences for the strategic interests of the United States of America. The army serves the Congress. These curtailing of the military benefits will send a direct message to the military ranks that the Congress does no more afford to pay them. Even a cursory perusal of the fundamentals of HR will amply testify to the fact that such a message is bound to negatively impact the morale of the army (Maze 1). How would a soldier dare to sacrifice one’s life in the line of duty, while his conscience is bothered by the worry as to whether he will be able to provide for his family and loved ones (Maze 1)? One other important thing is that the special perks and benefits accorded to the military personnel  serve a pivotal function.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Technology trends in Hospitality Industry Essay

Technology trends in Hospitality Industry - Essay Example Engineering technology is the type of technology that seeks to study, design and expound on other specific types of technology. Modern technology has revolutionized the livelihoods and operational designs of human beings since the mid-20th century. Communication, which is the basic channel of human interaction, has greatly improved over time. In the ancient error, communication was hectic and time consuming. The ancient communication means comprised of messengers, signals such as smoke, drum beating, and letters (Barth & Hayes, 2006, p. 87). Technology has revolutionized the use of the internet, which has made communication within extreme corners of the world possible by the use of e-mails or even skype. Another milestone in the communication sector is the widespread and use of cellphones. Education has also improved in that the internet contains many things that learners strive to get acquainted to (Aswathapp, 2010, p. 45-63). The ancient bookshelves have been reduced to a single folder in a computer. Online education has also been on the rise since courses can be undertaken online. Other fields such as hea lth care facilities have improved through the introduction of modern sophisticated diagnostic tools that carry out effective medical practices. Industrial productivity has been on the rise through the introduction of machinery that performs tasks as many times more effectively as compared to humans. The hospitality industry is a widespread group of fields in the service provision branch that encompasses accommodation, event planning, theme parks, carriage, cruise line, and extra fields inside the travel and leisure industry. The hospitality industry is a billion dollar industry that depends on the availability of leisure time and extra income. According to Vermaan (2011, p. 11), hospitality components such as a cafeteria, guesthouse, or amusement parks comprise of multiple

Friday, July 26, 2019

International business Case Analysis - Wal-Mart Essay

International business Case Analysis - Wal-Mart - Essay Example Why was Wal-Mart unsuccessful in Germany, withdrawing in 2006, and relatively successful in the UK? 12 Reference 16 How attractive was the discount retailing industry in the USA when Wal-Mart first began operations in the 1950s. The US retail industry has considerably changed over the few decades due to two related trends, one being the discount retailing and second factor is the increasing prevalence of the large retail chains. The discounting retailing sector is controlled by chains. The concept is fairly new and the first discount store appeared in the 1950s. Discount retailing is one of the most dynamic sectors in the retail industry. Until 1990s two important retail chains were Wal-Mart and Kmart (Jia, 2007, p. 5). The retailing industry is known to be the second largest industry across the globe with respect to total number of establishment as well as total number of employees. The retail industry generates about $3.8trillion annually. The top five retail industry operating acr oss the world are Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Costco and Kroger. Wal-Mart apart from being the largest retailer globally is also the largest company and generates approximately $256billion sales annually. In discount retailing industry the two main competitors are Wal-Mart and Target. ... With regards to Wal-Mart, suppliers who do not maintain or live up to the expectation of Wal-Mart point of system are thus replaced. Wal-Mart being a big brand and is powerful enough to make the suppliers recognise the fact and the situation when they do good business and thus can very conveniently switch suppliers at its convenience when they do not perform the work as expected. The suppliers also cannot afford to lose on the big brands, the key players and hence the supplier power tends to be low. As shown above the bargaining powers of customer are relative high as discount retail purchase can be substitutable and thus consumers has the power to go between the competitors depicting a high bargaining power. The switching cost involved in shifting from one competitor to another is also low and the consumers demand for high quality products at discount price. It is important to understand that consumer as individual does not have bargaining power with the retail stores but as a group consumers can demand a higher quality product at low price. Consumers are also price sensitive as a result the suppliers need to keep the price low to succeed indicating high customer power. Threat of new entrant is particularly low in the discount retailing industry as there exist a high barrier to enter the discounted retail industry with respect to investors, capital and competition. The huge capital required by a new entrant to compete with all the established retailers will take a longer time and establish them in the retail market. Although the switching cost is low for the consumers but brand loyalty towards a particular brand are relatively high and consumer would not like to shift towards a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Alternatives of Monetary System Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Alternatives of Monetary System - Case Study Example Such systems are vulnerable to inflation since there are no clear regulations on supply of exchange commodities (McEachern, 2012). Furthermore, the system would be subject to â€Å"double coincident of wants† whereby buyers not only search for commodities that they want but also people who are ready to accept their commodity. Valuable commodities such as precious metals would also be used as a medium of exchange in countries with broken monetary systems. Communities in the affected countries can also designate certain products to replace money. Such products would be selected according to their portability and availability. Preferred commodities should be portable, scarce, and relatively durable. In the case of a prison environment, cigarettes were the preferred currency due to their scarcity and portability. Virtual money can also be used in place of local currency. In a world supported by technology, virtual money can provide a suitable medium of exchange if the system is ad ministered by independent bodies (Bade, & Michael, 2002). Postage stamps can also be used as a currency since they have currency value printed on them. Thus, the choice for a medium of exchange would depend on the concerned society and the immediate economic/monetary  needs.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

EasyJet plc and British Airways Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

EasyJet plc and British Airways - Research Paper Example esayJet plc is growing from strength to strength. easyJet plc's working capital position is very strong. BA's stability can be threatened, if there are sudden adverse circumstances like the 9/11. It could find itself unable to meet its current debts if the receivables become uncollectible. Gearing has improved in BA by 23.5pp. However, easyJet has resorted to borrowing to fund the capital expenditure. However, the key operating data in BA are encouraging and will appear to provide a firm footing to lift itself out of this prevailing troubled circumstances. Despite the current circumstances, BA is continuing to invest in operating assets to improve its value-added services, which it considers to be the backbone and introducing cost reduction schemes to minimize the financial burden arising from the magnitude of operating expenses. The improvements as seen on the operating data are welcome news to the Senior Management at BA. If the trend continues BA will be on its way to the financial recovery. easyJet plc Consolidated financial and operating data Year ended 30 September Change (unaudited) 2006 2005 % Key performance indicators Return on equity (1) 10.1% 7.1% 3.0pp Profit before tax per seat () (2) 3.32 2.38 39.6 Revenue per seat () (3) 41.66 38.66 7.8 Cost per seat () (4) 38.34 36.28 5.7 Cost per seat excluding fuel () (5) 28.36 28.78 (1.5) Seats flown (millions) (6) 38.9 34.7 12.1 ( British Airways 2005-06 2004-05 Group results Revenue m up 9.6% 8,515 7,772 Operating profit m up 26.8% 705 556 Profit before tax m up 20.9% 620 513 Attributable profit for the year m up 19.6% 451 377 Net assets m up 48.5%...It could find itself unable to meet its current debts if the receivables become uncollectible. Despite the current circumstances, BA is continuing to invest in operating assets to improve its value-added services, which it considers to be the backbone and introducing cost reduction schemes to minimize the financial burden arising from the magnitude of operating expenses. The Core competence of easyJet plc is the winning combination of 'low cost with care and convenience'. Low cost is by far the most important component. Convenience is not only about their award winning website but also the network of centrally located airports, which give their customers quick access to where they want to go. The Core competence of BA is in being an Internet age airline with online systems and features that make the travel experience simple and hassle free. Providing superb customer service and products, which their customers want is at the heart of our business. The main activities of the Company and its subsidiaries are the operation of international and domestic scheduled and charter air services for the carriage of passengers, freight and mail and the provision of ancillary services. The key achievements of easyJet plc have been given prominence, cleverly projecting and differentiating itself and gaining mileage in image building.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Strategy Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Strategy Assessment - Essay Example (Clark P. 2007) b) Ryan Air decided to buy aircrafts of the model Boeing 731 only. This reduced the company's inventory volume as less stock of spare parts was required to store. The pressure on crew training was also less and the maintenance staff could easily repair the aircrafts resulting into quick service. c) In order to reduce the landing costs, the company used airports like, Alghero (Sardinia) and Dinard (Brittany), which are not at all popular airports. These airports were looking forward to grow their business and thus offered competitive landing charges to Ryan Air. d) The company reduced the cost of outsourcing its services to third parties like travel agents for booking their flights. This helped the company to reduce cost by 10%-15%. So far the company facilitates only its official website and its own call center service for booking of the flights. e) Advertising is a vital part of growing business. Ryan Air reduced this cost as well by writing its low airfare captions on the aircraft body and relied more on the word-of-mouth advertising of the customers. 2. According to Michael Porter there are two basic kinds of competitive advantage- Cost advantage, where a firm delivers the same benefits as that of its competitors but at a lower cost, and differentiation advantage, where the competitive advantage of a firm lies in providing benefits that exceed those of the competitors. Among the positional advantages Ryan Air focused on cost advantage for reaping higher profits. Ryan Air's rival firms were British Airways and Ager Lingus and both airlines possessed higher financial position than Ryan Air. Moreover the company went into a rapid loss that called for its restructuring during 1991. Hence, focusing on differentiation advantage for increasing the firm's profit would have been a major mistake by Ryan Air. The company used its capability of rigorous cost minimization and introduced the surprisingly low airfares in the market. Thus the various measures of cost minimization by the company formed its distinctive competencies and helped the firm make a better place for itself in the industry. (Competitive Advantage, n.d.) Part 2 1. The decision tree above shows expected long-run profits of Lynne taking into account its decisions (square boxes) and the uncertainties (circles) in the economy. Lynee has two options before it: Staying in the present location Relocating to cheaper premises Hence both the decisions have a probability of .5. In both the situation it is faced with three different conditions of the economy and they have their respective probabilities of occurrence. In the aforementioned case, there are 6 distinct situations Lynne can face, Situation 1. Lynne stays in its present location and there is a downturn in the economy. Situation 2. Lynne stays in its present location and there is an upturn in the economy. Situation 3. Lynne stays in her present location and the economy remains the same. Situation 4. Lynne moves into a cheaper premise and there is

Monday, July 22, 2019

Server-side scripting of web pages part 2 Essay Example for Free

Server-side scripting of web pages part 2 Essay

Arfa Batik Essay Example for Free

Arfa Batik Essay From the backyard of the founders house, our exclusive hand drawn batik is now a multi million ringgit industry with markets as far ranging as Europe and the Middle East. Our batik fashion house or haute couture combines contemporary design and traditional Malay motifs into batik of simple elegance, and are very much sought out by discerning customers from around the world. WHAT WE DO We are involve in various batik production processes from manufacturing from printing, colouring/dyeing, designing and tailoring, wholesaling, exporting to retailing of our batik products. We seek to open a chain of Noor Arfa Batik retail throughout the world through franchising. Noor Arfa is Malaysian’s largest commercial Batek producer. Noor Arfa has built a reputation as the leading manufacturer of superior hand – drawn fashion items and accessories. We also train and develop master craftsmen that consistently produce quality with excellence. We stand out as leader in our industry in the way we have perfected the art of combining distinct colour with classic designs and traditional Malay motives, to create Batek of simple elegance. The Market Noor Arfa Franchise operates in a dynamic and evolving marketplace. Consumers are presented with many options for batik textile and we see a growing interest in fashionable and contemporary batik that address the need to be trendy and yet unique in identity. We find our customers desiring the look that is Malaysian and yet global in application. Noor Arfa addresses this gap in the market by providing a more comprehensive product range that addresses the various needs of the different segment of the market for batik wear and textile. Our customers would also not have to worry about quality as we provide a consistent buying experience with our quality policy which is to produce excellent quality product that satisfy our customer needs. We also believe there are other areas of the market that would benefit from our products which we have not yet targeted. For example we see huge potential in offering our product to the trendy and fashionable young market which is looking for cool and â€Å"in† fashion wear. This is an area of the market that is fully aware of the benefits of self identity and yet contemporary.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Constituents of ‘Kuwing’ Oil From Irvingia Gabonensis

Constituents of ‘Kuwing’ Oil From Irvingia Gabonensis ABSTRACT Kuwing oil extracted from Irvingia gabonensis seed mash fermentated over 6 days in AgoiIbami community, Nigeria, was analysed for it’s essential oil constituents. Both the fresh seed and the ferment’s oil extracts were analysed for fatty acids, organic acids and essential oils, using GC and GC-MS methods of analysis. Six (6) fatty acids: Oleic, Linoleic, Stearic, Lauric, Behenic acids were found in both samples, while Mystiric was found only in the fermented product.Five(5) organic acids constituents Citric, Glycolic, Oxalic, Malic and Tartaric acids were identified in boththe fresh seed and the ferment. While fifty one (51) chemicals were identified as volatiles or essential oils ,the main constituents are ÃŽ ± -Pinene, Carene, Trans-Ocimene, ÃŽ ±-Terpinene, Cis-Limonene Oxide, Perillaldehyde, Nootkatone, Germacrene-D, and Bornol,about 75% of the oil and nineteen (19) of the identified volatiles responsible for flavour and aroma, making up to 43% of the oil. KEY WORDS: Essential oils, Irvingiagabonensis, Ferment,  Constituents, Kuwingoil. INTRODUCTION In earliest times, Irvingiagabonensis (of simaronbaceae family) was sourced from the vast virgin forest. Then, fruits were allowed to ripen and drop from the tree top before they were hand-picked and usually, hunters gave information on the quantity of fruits on ground. Initial drops were regarded as the fruits â€Å"testing the ground†. As the quantity of fruits on ground increased, collectors were alerted by hunters. Whoever found the fruits first, owned them. No family lineage owns Irvingiagabonensis trees growing in virgin forests. However, with deforestation, some trees can now be found in secondary forests. The fruits were never harvested from the tree but, once they have dropped from the tree they are assumed matured. With increase promotion of non-timber forest products for agro-forestry, the number of irvingia trees’ plantations are on the rise. Once collected, the fruits were heaped against trunks of big trees to rotten for de-pulping. After which, the seeds/nuts were cracked open to extract the edible cotyledons. Increase demand and market expansion for irvingia cotyledon for culinary uses due to attractive revenue has led not only to harvesting the fruits from tree trunks but also splitting fresh fruitsto obtain the cotyledons. The cotyledons are usually processed into a variety of products using different processing methods. Traditionally, fermentation process is employed in the preparation of a number of products, one of which is ‘itugha’ from irvingiavargabonensis (Ekpe, O.O,2007). Sun drying also enhances the quality of bush mango seeds and this attribute give attractive prices for the sun-dried cotyledons. Modernization has adversely affected the preparation and utilization of ‘Itugha’ and this age-long nutrient rich food (Ekpe et al,2007) appears to be gradually disappearing from the community dietary. Distribution of ‘Itugha’ is usually limited to the top family members and very close friends, which always resulted in disaffection among those not so favoured in its distribution. Despite the high food value usually placed on this food item, it is fast becoming extinct. To diversify its utilization, identification of secondary products having other uses can expand and encourage itscommercial production and industrialization. Even though the food value of any food product is a measure of its nutritional potentials, measured by it’s chemical composition.Safety indicators,the level of food toxicants as well as bioavailability of the nutrients are also important (Agube, 1991). Other applications of constituents in a product can be as important as it’s food value. As such, identifying essential oil constituents of itugha can promote it’sother non-food utilization as well as it’s food uses. Essential oils are any class of highly volatile organic compounds found in plants.Chemically, essential oils are extremely complex mixtures containing compounds of very major functional-group class like terpenes, isoprenoids, alcohols, esters, aldehydes, ketones and phenols. Essential oils have three primary commercial uses; as odorants in perfumes, soaps, detergents and other products: as flavours in baked goods, candies, soft drinks and other foods: and as pharmaceutical in dental products and many medicines. ( Britannicaconcised encyclopedia, Aroma Web). Most people use essential oils for their therapeutic effects as they tend to leave beneficial bacteria intact while killing the pathogens or for their fragrance alone. BuchbauerJirovetz(1994) published an excellent survey on the uses of essential oils as medicament. Studies have shown that bacteria do not acquire resistance to essential oils as they do with antibiotics and plant essential oils are also known for their antimicrobia l activitye.g. essential oils of Dacryodisedulis- African pear (Obameet at 2008). Today when so many illnesses and bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics, the therapeutic effects of essential oils and their immune-boosting abilities may be just what we need to explore. Essential oils can be detected in all the cells of the body 21 minutes after application. Essential oils are designated and defined by the plant species and sometimes geographical location( McGraw-Hill Science Technology Encyclopedia). Kuwing oil produced from seeds of Irvingiagabonensis pulverized and fermented over 6 days and heat treated for 2 days, is investigated for it’s essential oil composition. The value of non-timber forest products lies in their use as a supplementary food supply, as a source of vitamins, as snacks during hunting and gathering forays in the bush, as beverages, building materials, farm and kitchen tools and in the maintenance of traditional rites and pastimes (Alexandaretal, 1994). A key feature of the Irvingia study has been the gathering and documentation of indigenous knowledge on the species to expand the scope of available information on its possible utilization and application.. To the best of our knowledge, no literature information is available on essential oil composition of‘kuwing oil’ fromIrvingiagabonensis. Thus this study would in addition to, exploring precursor compounds in fresh odourlessirvingiagabonensis seed, highlight constituents of kuwing oil for its utilization prospects in industry especially for non-food purposes. The fresh seed is odourless, colourless and without flavour. Macerating/pounding, heat treatment and fermenting mashed seeds in control conditions produces odour and flavourin the mash. This is known to increases its acceptance in the food industry and projects potential utilization prospects in the non-food industry. In this paper we are reporting the chemical composition of essential oils of ‘kuwing oil’ extracted from irvingiagabonensis seed. This study will cover identification of possible precursors of flavour compounds e.g. fatty acids and organic acids from fresh irvingia seeds and the volatiles or essential oils constituents, of kuwing oil, from heat treated fermented irvingiagabonensis seed mash. MATERIALS AND METHOD Fresh Irvingiagabonensis seeds was milled with the mill unit of a National blender, Model MX 495 for six (6) days under controlled condition. After each day’s milling, the mash was wrapped withPiper umbellantum leaves. This was to simulate the repeated milling under controlled conditions, that is necessary for the production of a fermented traditional spread from I. gabonensis called ‘itugha’ . Oil drip from this ferment is the ‘Kuwing’ Oil. The fatty acid content of fresh Irvingia seed and Kuwing Oil sample were determined using the method of International laboratory (1993). In this method, the samples were first extracted with petiether to remove the oiliness in the samples. The lipid extracts were Methylated and the methyl esters of the respective fatty acids in the solvent fractions were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography. A 250ml flask was weighed( wo), 5g of sample quantitatively weighed into a fat extraction thimble and 250ml petroleum ether poured into the previously weighed flask containing anti-bumping chips. A soxhlet extractor into which the thimble with its contents had been introduced was then fitted into the round bottom flask and the extraction apparatus mounted on a heating mantle. The contents of the flask were heated and extraction process continued for about 15 hours. At the end of extraction, petroleum ether in the round bottom flask was distilled off the oily extract with the soxhlet and the litt le quantity finally evaporated off in a water bath at 500c. The flask and the fat extract were finally dried in a hot air circulating oven at 1000C, cooled in a desiccator and weighed (w1) Methylation of Fat Extract i.The fat sample were heated for 2 hours under a current of nitrogen at 80-900C with 4%sulphuric acid in methanol. ii.After cooling and the addition of distilled water, iii.the resulting methyl esters were extracted several times into hexane. iv.The combined extracts were dried over sodium carbonate and anhydrous sodium sulphate (in a dessicator). v.The solvent fraction was then reduced in volume by a stream of nitrogen. Gas-Liquid Chromatography Each methylated oil samples were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography on a Carlo Erba gas chromatograh 5160 Mega series, equipped with a shimadzu data processor C-R3A using the following experimental conditions: (a)Glass capillary column 25m x 0.32mm i.d coated with SE 52. (b)Column temperature 600C (c)Injector and detector temperature 2800C. (d)Carrier gas-hydrogen about 0.40 Kgcm-2 (e)Injection mode-split detector F ID (Field ion desorption). (f)Identification of compounds – retention time and by GC-MS using a Finnigan Mat ITD 800 with a 25m x 0.32mm i.d. fused-silica capillary column coated with SE 52. (g)Column temperature 60-2400C at 30C/min. (h)Ionizing voltage 70eV Organic acid content was determined in Irvingia seed and the ferment from which Kuwing oil was extracted, by Gas chromatography – Mass Spectrometry, Bengtsson and Lehotay method (1996) with some modification. 1g of sample was pulverized with 1ml of distilled water, acidified with 1ml 1M HCl to a pH of about 1.0, saturated with NaCl, then extracted with 3ml of ethyl acetate and 3ml of diethyl ether. The organic phases were combined and evaporated to dryness under nitrogen. The sample was derivatised with 0.100ml of BSTFA-TMCS at 650C for 10 min, diluted with 0.400ml of hexane/ethyl acetate (50% v/v) and 1  µ1 was injected into the GC-MS and analysed. Gas chromatographic, mass spectral and data analysis on Carlo Erba gas chromatograh 5160 Mega Series, equipped with a Shimadzu data Processor C-R3A: Sample was analysed by GC-MS by injecting 1 u1 of the sample in spliteless mode onto an open tubular glass capillary column 25m x 0.32mm i.d coated with SE 52, and the injector was k ept at 2500C. The carrier gas was hydrogen, with a flow-rate of 1ml/min. The GC oven was held at 900C for 4min, then raised at 80C/min. The peaks were identified by reference to a mass spectral library. Essential/ volatile oils present in irvingia seeds and kuwing oil were identified using Giovanni Dugo and AnthonellVerzera (1993) method. In this method, fat extract was obtained from 10g of sample with petroleum ether. The sample of oil was prepared for gas-liquid chromatography on a Carlo Erba gas chromatograph 5160 mega series column 25m x 0.32mm i-d, 600C at 30C/min and hydrogen carrier gas 10g of sample was extracted with 100ml of petroleum ether (60-800C) by soxhlet extraction. Petroleum ether was distilled to afford an oily fraction prepared for gas-liquid chromatography analysis. GC-MC analysis of Volatiles: The volatile fraction were collected by steam distillation and the volatiles were extracted thoroughly into methylene dichloride and concentrated. The concentrated volatiles were separated by gas-liquid chromatography on a Carlo Erba gas chromatograh 5160 Mega series, equipped with a shimadzu data processor C-R3A under the following experimental conditions: i.Glass capillary column 25m x 0.32mm i.d. coated with SE 52. ii.Column temperature 600C to 1000C at 30C/min. iii.Injector and detector temperature 2800C iv.Carrier gas0hydrogen about 0.40kgcm-2 v.Injection mode-split detector field ion desorption (FID). vi.Identification compounds – retention time and by GC-MC using a Finnigam Mat ITD 800 with a 25mm x 0.32mm i.d. fused-silica capillary column coated with SE 52. vii.Column temperature 60-2500C at 30C/min viii.Ionizing voltage 70eV. Relative amounts of detected compounds were calculated based on GC peaks. Volatiles Identification in Kuwing Oil Essential oils constituents of Kuwing oil identified against standards 1. ÃŽ ± -Pinene 2. à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢-Pinene 3. Camphene 4. Carene 5. ÃŽ ±-Terpinene 6. p-Cymene + Limonene 7. Trans-à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢-Ocimene 8. Y-terpinene 9. Octanol 10.Terpinolene 11. Trans-Sarbine hydrate 12. Nonanal 13. Cis-Limonene Oxide 14. Trans-limonene Oxide 15. Isopulegol 16. Citronellal 17. Borneol 18. ÃŽ ±-Terpinol 19. Decanal 20. Nerola + Citronellol 21. Neral 22. Piperitone 23. Linalyl acetate 24. Geranial 25. Perillaldehyde 26. Undecanal 27. Nonyla acetate 28. ÃŽ ±-ester 29. ÃŽ ±-Terpernyl acetate 30. Citronellyl acetate 31. Neryl acetate 32. Heranyl acetate 33. à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢-Caryophyllene 34. Trans-à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢-Bergamotene 35. à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢-Humulene 36. à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢-Sabtalene 37. Aldehydic ester 38. Germacrene-D 39. Germacrane-B 40. Germacrane-D 41. à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢-Bisobolene 42. à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢-Sesquiphellandrene 43. Trans-ÃŽ ±-Nerolidol 44. Cis, trans-Fernesol 45. NootKatone DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Gas-liquid chromatography estimation of fatty acids in Irvingiagabonensis seed and the ferment is shown in Table 1. Six fatty acid fractions were identified in the ferment and five in Irvingia seed. Oleic, linoleic, stearic,lauric and behenic acids were identified in the ferment. Linoleic acid was the most abundant fatty acid inIrvingia seed and ferment. The level of oleic acid was very low both in the ferment and Irvingia seed. Processing had little or no effect on its level. Stearic acid level in Irvingia seed was very low. However, processing increased its level significantly in the ferment. The levels of stearic, lauric and behenic acids were also increased in the ferment. The decreases in linoleic acid in the ferment is very revealing. Linoleic acid can be oxidatively degraded to C6 aldehydes, alcohols and their esters. These C6 compounds play significant roles in essential oils development (Kobayashi et al., 1994). This type of degradation might be the cause of decrease in leve l of linolenic acid from 80% total lipid in Irvingia seed to about 52% total lipid in the ferment. There were good levels of stearic acid, behenic acid (a seed triglyceride) and mystiric acid in the ferment. Mystiric acid was not detected in Irvingia seed but was detected in good proportion in the ferment. McBurneyetal. 1990) reported that microbial fermentation of starch results in the production of some fatty acids, depending on the chemical composition of the starch. This could explain the appearance of mystiric acid in the ferment which was hitherto absent in Irvingiagabonensis seed. The high level of mystiric acid in the ferment could have been due to microbial enzyme hydrolysis of starches in Irvingiagabonensis seed, and subsequent degradation to aldehydes, alcohols etc. Table 2 shows organic acid content of Irvingia seed and the ferment. Organic acids influenced pH that determines microbial growth and serve as preservatives. They influence the formation, type and rate of thermally produced flavour (Maga, 1994). These acids could have been produced from the non-total oxidation of sugars, as well as the deamination of amino acids, ascorbic acid and polyphenolic acids. Formation of volatiles in food can also be attributed to enzymic biosynthesis. The cell rupturing which took place during maceration of irvingiaseeds, could have caused enzymes and precursors of essential oils to come in contact with one another. Bacterial growth suppression and primary metabolism can trigger biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in cell cultures ( Prahba et al., 1990). This agrees with bacterial growth suppression in controlled fermentation of the irvingia seed mash in itughaproduction( Ekpe,O.O.2009).Some of the Organic acids identified in the fresh seeds were lost in the ferment e.g. Malic acid in the seed 6.28% decreased to 0.11% in the ferment, Citric acid in the seed 16.0% to 2% in the ferment and Oxalic acid 6.6% seed to 2% ferment while fatty acid like Linoleic acid decreased from 80% in the seed to 52% in the ferment. Autolysis consisting of plasmolysis followed by proteolysis usually require up to 24 hours of temperatures above 45o c. Plasmolysis can be initiated by different treatments including hot air drying( Saeki et al., 1989). This is in consonant with the observation that volatiles of kuwing oil were formed not less than 24 hours of hot air drying of the irvingia ferment. Each autolysate is known to have its own distinctive taste and odour(Lieske and Konrad, 1994). Fig.1 shows constituent of kuwingoil (essential oil) revealing the presence of Terpenes like Citronellal, Limonene, Terpinolene, ÃŽ ±-Terpinene and isoprenoids among others.The extraction and synthesis of terpenes is the basis of the perfumery industry. They find a variety of uses in the food and pharmaceutical industry as flavor and odour improver. Citronellal is known to have insect repellant properties and research show its high repellant effectiveness against mosquitoes and strong antifungal qualities(Jeong-Kyu KIM et al.,2005; Kazuhiko NAKAHARA et al.,2003; Solomons, T.W.G 2006). ÃŽ ±-Pinene, camphene, ÃŽ ´3-carene, Trans-ÃŽ ²-ocimene, Y-terpinene, octanol, cis-Limonene oxide, Neral and Perillaldehyde constitute 75% of the oil Odourlessirvingiagabonensis seed, macerated and fermentedover six days producedKuwing oil on exposure to temperatures above 45 degrees celcius. This oil was obtained by compressing, extracting, or distilling off heat sensitive volatiles from crushed and fermented irvingiagabonensis seedsSince essential oils often have odour and are therefore used in food flavouring/ perfumery, kuwing oil can qualify as of perfume quality oil which should be included among oils found in health foods(Wiley Dictionary of Flavours). When extracted for this purpose, extremely low pressure and low heat distillation is recommended( Wikipedia).On analyses for essential oils constituents, 75% of these constituents are established essential oil constituents used in industries. And 45% of these find application in perfumery and aromatory industries. Others have been known to have antimicrobial and antifungal activity e.g.ÃŽ ±-pinene, camphene, careen, octanol, Limonene, Neral, Citronellal etc. It is expedient t hen to list kuwing oil from irvingiagabonensis seed as an essential oil.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

K is for Killer :: Essays Papers

K Is for Killer Conflict is an integral part of a literary work. Many authors use conflict as a technique to help the reader feel exactly what the character is going through in he/she’s internal battles and struggles. Both of the fictional pieces, â€Å"The Fifth Child† by Doris Lessing and â€Å"’N’ Is For Noose† by Sue Grafton, contain significant conflicts between characters which are brought out through the use of many scenarios within the novels. The novel, â€Å"The Fifth Child† takes place in London during the late 1960’s. David and Harriet Lovatt are a happily married couple who reside with their four beautiful children in an enormous home on the grassy outskirts of town. The Lovatt’s are a close-knit family until the abnormal pregnancy and birth of a fifth child, Benjamin. Ben is a strong, loud, violent toddler with an appalling appetite. Besides his actions, Ben is also very different looking compared to the rest of the Lovatt children. Ben’s behavior and attitude begin to ruin the family to the point where each of the children are sent off to live with relatives and Harriet’s husband abandons her. Harriet is stuck with the internal conflict of choosing between her newest son and her husband and other 4 children. Harriet decides to get the best of both worlds by sending Ben off to a doctor to help control and correct his problems, so her family can return home and feel safe once again. Sending away her own flesh and blood starts eating at Harriet to the point where she takes Ben back home. She was astonished to find out that Ben had not gotten any better; he had actually gotten worse. Ben was now fascinated with the local town gang and was involved in many robberies, rapes and violent acts. Harriet feels like a failure as her attempt to regain her â€Å"perfect family† was destroyed. The literary work â€Å"‘N’ is for Noose† took place during the late 1980’s in Southern California. Selma Newquist, a run-down widow, hired a private investigator named Kinsey Millhone to find out the reasons behind the sudden death of her late husband Tom. Selma felt that something had been eating away at Tom right before his death, and she was nosey to find out what exactly it was so she could be at rest with herself.

The Ethics of Medical Animal Testing Essay -- Ethical Treatment of Anim

In all matters, including medicine, the well-being of the human race comes before any other consideration. This is the justification for the use of nonhuman animal testing in medicine. Of course this argument brings issues into play that are both ethical and professional and need exploring before a definitive answer can be given. The Rights of â€Å"Lesser Life Forms† Animals have rights. This is a statement that very few people will disagree with. Animal cruelty as an end unto itself (i.e. for entertainment) is just wrong. Short of being a sociopath I really can’t imagine anyone saying or thinking otherwise. The real ethical question comes when humanity can benefit from a â€Å"cruelty† committed against an animal. As far as life on this planet goes, we appear to be at the pinnacle of creation. Though we have only been here for less than the blinking of an eye, as far as our small planet is concerned, we have achieved heights unparalleled by any species to grace the world before us. Because of this we have looked at the rest of existence as lesser than us and therefore present for our use. A Respect for All Life This view of superiority has begun to diminish only very lately. The first reason for this elevated respect for nonhuman animals comes from the same source as our concern for our fellow human beings: compassion. As a species humans have, for whatever reason, developed the ability to conceptualize ourselves in the place of other things we observe. While this ability is strongest when dealing with other humans, it is even possible to do this with humans. This is of course followed by hard reasoning as to why nonhuman animals do have rights. Peter Singer, a professor in bioethics, is believed by some to have beg... ...ights movement; Research Defense Society; an organization supporting animal testing; Seriously Ill for Medical Research; an organization supporting animal testing ( he has even posted his hate mail); Federal Food and Drug Administration; The US’s legal authority on animal testing; Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine; an organization against animal testing; People for Ethical Treatment of Animals; Animals’ rights group; Seriously Ill Against Vivisection; an organization against animal testing; Peter Singer Links; A site dedicated to Peter Singer and his works;

Friday, July 19, 2019

Persuasive Essay Men and Women are Equal -- essays research papers

Men and Women There is constantly cessation why women and men cohabitate, nurture, desire, and endure. Many shrug the similarities and differences to the side due to the complex nature that is involved in understanding the progression. Since the beginning of time, according to the bible, man was placed as the dominant sex, fending for the families well being. The woman has tended to the important jobs around the homestead as situations arose. Often in society, one will find himself in a battle depending on the views of the receiving recipients. Following is a dialogue explaining a safe and metro sexual view as a general whole. Based on scientific beliefs, one is to think we come from a less intelligent species through evolution. There is also the often believed but sadly never proven fact that we could have possibly derived from a higher power that designed our every millimeter. Also possible we started as a single celled organism by a higher power, but not monitored throughout growth into what we are now. Whichever the...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bell Curve

The Bell Curve is a controversial, best-selling 1994 book by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray exploring the role of intelligence in American life. The book became widely read and debated due to its discussion of race and intelligence in Chapters 13 and 14. Named for the bell-shaped normal distribution of IQ scores, the book claims there to have been the rise of a â€Å"cognitive elite† having a significantly higher than average chance of succeeding in life. Within both the mainstream media and the scientific community, large numbers of people rallied to both support and criticize the book.The Bell Curve is fairly large for a book of its popularity, having 845 pages in the first printing and 879 in the revised paperback form. Much of its material is technical and academic, but the book's statistical explanations are styled to appeal to a general audience. The Bell Curve is divided into four sections. First, argues that social stratification on the basis of intelligence has been increasing since the beginning of the twentieth century. Second, presents original research showing significant correlations between intelligence and various social and economic outcomes.For instance, based on data as of 1989 this section shows that among Whites intelligence level (cognitive class) is a better predictor of poverty than parents' socioeconomic class. Third, by far the most controversial, examines what role IQ plays in contributing to social and economic differences between ethnic groups in America. Finally, discusses the implications of the findings for education and social policy in the United States. Of course, Bell curve is scientific. Both the American Psychological Association and the Human Genome Project have denounced the science behind The Bell Curve.Its authors were unqualified to speak on either genetics or intelligence, since their expertise lay in other fields. Their project did not rise through the usual system of academic publishing, and in fact the authors ducked the process of peer review. The Bell Curve was ultimately funded by the wealthy, far-right Bradley Foundation, which used its media connections to launch a massive national publicity campaign. And The Bell Curve relies heavily on studies that were financed by the Pioneer Fund, a neo-Nazi organization that promotes eugenicist research.The persons that are responsible in bell curve were Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein. Charles Alan Murray (born 1943) is an influential conservative American policy writer and researcher. He is most widely known for Losing Ground, his influential work on welfare reform, Human Accomplishment, a quantification and ranking of well-known scientists and artists and as co-author (with Richard J. Herrnstein) of The Bell Curve in 1994, exploring the role of intelligence in American life.He's written several other books on modern social issues and politics, and has sometimes written on libertarian perspectives. Richard J. Herrnstein (May 20, 1930—September 13, 1994) was a prominent researcher in comparative psychology who did pioneering work on pigeon intelligence employing the Experimental Analysis of Behavior and formulated the â€Å"Matching Law† in the 1960s, a breakthrough in understanding how reinforcement and behavior are linked. He was the Edgar Pierce Professor of psychology at Harvard University and worked with B. F.Skinner in the Harvard pigeon lab, where he did research on choice and other topics in behavioral psychology. Herrnstein became more broadly known for his work on the correlation between race and intelligence, first in the 1970s, then with Charles Murray, discussed in their controversial best-selling 1994 book, The Bell Curve. Herrnstein died shortly before the book was released. The row over school vouchers, whose advocates endlessly take it for granted that poor performance by students reflects only inadequacies by the teaching profession inadequacies among the learners being a huge unmentionable.The President's astounding proposal that all American youngsters, including those with IQs at the left tail, should have at least two years of college. The expressions of surprise and rage when it turned out that, in the absence of affirmative action, prestigious law schools would be admitting hardly any black students. Eugenics is a social philosophy, which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention. The purported goals have variously been to create healthier, more intelligent people, save society's resources, and lessen human suffering.Earlier proposed means of achieving these goals focused on selective breeding, while modern ones focus on prenatal testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and genetic engineering. Opponents argue that eugenics is immoral and is based on, or is itself, pseudoscience. Historically, eugenics has been used as a justification for coercive state-s ponsored discrimination and human rights violations, such as forced sterilization of persons with genetic defects, the killing of the institutionalized and, in some cases, genocide of races perceived as inferior.In the social aspect of bell curve, the publication of Herrnstein and Murray's The Bell Curve enraged readers with its controversial racial and intellectual agenda, which suggested that certain groups of children are genetically unable to learn because of their race and, therefore, unworthy of the educational attention and financial resources that flow from federal and state governments Gottfredson, Linda S. â€Å"Mainstream Science on Intelligence†. Published in The Wall Street Journal, December 13, 1994, and also in Intelligence, January-February 1997. http:www. //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Bell_Curve.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ang Paghihintay

ginger snap- The measure of sensitivity of step supplied to miscelleverys in legal injury. Demand grab- The measure of reactivity of the consumers to the interchanges in wrong. sorting of Demand Elasticity 1. Elastic Demand- when the touchst unrivalled necessitateed is greatly alter by the changes in wrong. 2. In expandable Demand- the sum demanded increase in terms creates a lesser change in the parcel in cadence demanded. 3. Unitary Demand- when in that respect is an equal change in quantity demanded and the outlay. 4.Perfectly Elastic Demand- the demand continues to increase without the change in price. 5. Perfectly In elasticized Demand- when at that place is a constant demand piece of music the price is continuously increasing. Table Ellustration of Classification of Demand Elasticity PP Q elastic demand springless demand P unirtary demand short elastic demand short inelastic demand Determinants of Demand Elasticity 1. The price of the consumers figure. T he quantity demanded depends on the cypher or the income of the consumer. it is usually on the elastic type of demand.One example of this is the things that are non necessary in our lives like cars,appliances. When their price increase, the consumers open fire easily take off from their list those unecessary things. 2. Availability of the substitutes. It is when the price of the basal uprights gets higher, the closer the consumer go forth transfer to the substitutes. But, it is considered as an inelastic demand. 3. Types of Good. It depends on the type of good that the consumers intended to buy, it is what we called the semi-necessary goods for the consumers. 4. The clipping under consideration.When the price of the product continously increasing, the consumers will learn to get into the substitutes over a period of time. roughly example is rice, when the price of the rice is continously increasing, the consumers will transfer to its substitutes like bread, corn, and cerea ls. add up Elasticity- refers to the answer or response of the sellers or producers to price change of goods. Types of total Elasticity 1. elastic supply- a change in price results to a greater change in quantity supplied. 2. inelastic supply- a change in price results to a lesser change in quantity supplied. . wholeary supply- a change in price results to an equal change in quantity supplied. 4. perfectly elastic supply- without change in price, there is an infinite or unconditioned change in quantity supplied. 5. perfectly inelastic supply- a change in price has no effect in quantity supplied. Table Illustration of Supply Elasticity elastic supply inelastic supply unitary supply perfectly elastic supplyperfectly inelastic supply Determinants of Supply Elasticity 1. Time- a period of time the products produced either short time or long time. 2.Technology- because of technology, the products can be produced efficiently. possibleness of Consumer Behavior 1. Law of Diminishing fringy service-grade Marginal utility refers to the surplus satisfaction of a consumer whenever he consumes one more unitof the same goods. Quantity of Goods consumedTotal UtilityMarginal Utility 1 5 2 9 4 3 123 4 142 5 151 6 150 *When your consumerism increases, your marginal utility will decrease. 2. Indifference Curve The raillery indifference curve means cover no bias or electroneutral.Combination Kl. Of meat Kl. Of fish A51 B42 C33 D24 E15 *The table shows that any combination you choose the satisfaction you can get is the same level. 3. Budget literary argument It is the combination of two products which can be purchased by consumer with his income. return A Product B Total Cost 51p cxxv+25=150 42 one C+50=150 33 75+75=150 24 50+100=150 15 25+125=150 *Each unit costs p25. 00. and the fixed budget is p150. 4. counterbalance of the Consumer It is the combination of indifference curve and budget line. P Q Written report in Eco 1

The People

The People

Angela Franklin Professor Ginfrida ENC1101 22 April 2013 Neat Vs. Sloppy In Suzanne Britts â€Å"Neat People Vs. Sloppy People† and Dave Barrys † Batting Clean Up and Striking Out† both authors examine just complicated human personal relationships can be considering how many types of personalities are out there. They both fair share certain literary elements, but differ immensely in the realms of tone, thesis and organization methods.Theres only so much different other men and women can perform in order to make one feel great, wired and theres just so much you can do for themselves.They both use these literary elements to create humor in their essays. Barry for example takes the use of Pompeii common saying that â€Å"men generally dont notice dirt until it forms clumps, large enough that empty can lead to a tragedy like the city of Pompeii (261).Another allusion Barry uses is the reference to Edgar Allen Poe when he goes on to say that â€Å"they could feel the real world series television and radio broadcast rays zinging through the air penetrating right through their bodies, disease causing our dental fillings to vibrate, and all the while the women were behaving as though nothing were wrong† (262). how This enhances his story with suspense.Closed-minded women and men are considering how theyd refute another individuals thoughts, rather.

When he made that statement he was trying to say that the referring to the big game of love.In the same manner Britt went on to say that â€Å"sloppy people live in what some may call â€Å"Never Never Land† (255). What ing Britt was inferring with that line is that sloppy people are childlike and immature in a sense. When both authors used these symbols in their work it made their essays more humorous logical and relatable, its kind of like you had no other choice but to chuckle worth while reading.Have the person that youre training repeat back what youve clarified.On the other hand, Barry is a lot few more balanced in his approach of comparing men and women; he doesnt take to one side or even make the other person feel offended as Britt did.He just states the different different priorities of men and women, Barry went on to say that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course is sports† (262). Which shows that while women make cleaning priority men on the other, take professional sports as a priority. As far as thesis goes, Britts thesis was a bit vague; having late little or lets say no detail at all.We The People Hemp is simple to purchase.

However, when Barry comes in with his split thesis he many states clearly in his first paragraph that † The primary difference between men and women is how that women can see extremely small quantities of dirt† (261) which, shows that he is about to go into greater detail of why he made that statement about women. Then he goes on to say in the second part of his thesis that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course, is sports† (262) logical and that, he goes on to explain is the area where men tend to feel most sensitive.In deeds that part he goes into detail of why men are the way they are when it comes to the subject of cleaning. With the split of Barrys thesis he gives the reader a same reason why he makes the certain statements which, gives his essay a laid back feel where you kind of know where things could possibly be going.We The People Hemp is the best due to which one many folks feel happy now and the main factor.Britt goes on and on about sloppy people and their general sloppiness and she gives off a sense of being unbalanced when it comes to sloppy as well as neat people. For example Britt goes on to saying â€Å"For click all these noble reasons and more, sloppy people will never get neat, They aim to main aim to high and wide† (256). Leaving it at that only to go into more male bashing of sloppy people. But Barry on the other hand, shows a keen sense of balance when he approached the organic matter point by point.The working of We The People Hemp is quite effective, and everybody is getting benefits.

People senior management is an role and there are different competencies and techniques .There are an assortment of hot food items you can buy.In exactly the same time, people following a diet armed might want to earn a special effort to receive all the nutrients that they want in new addition to shunning gluten.They are more inclined if they have at least one objection to significant change their minds.

Defence mechanisms will be subsequently utilized by the brain .Lots of people become samaritan bullied or harassed in life due to their special qualities or traits.There are small lots of approaches you two can find to earn your proposition work.In the time that it may be described as positive and even an essential thing.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Charles Dickens Essay

reach describes a circumstance and demands talks which stress him whim dispirited, al oneness, and deep in thought(p) in a blown-up world. His mental pictures of closing off and littleness in this chapter be taken in the definition of his egotisms battlefront in a sizeable circumstance At such a inmateion I put discoer for authentic that this wispy score transcend with nettles was the churchyard and that the sm t bulge ensemble atomic reactor of shivers ontogeny aquaphobic of it all and rootage to countersign was flog. (10). This rendering contrasts with that of the purport of finish off as a whole, faulting from a larger horizon to a keener one kind of of ungodliness versa. likewise, the feeling of helplessness everyplacetakes post as he pleads, Oh acceptt interrupt my pharynx sir, and, require take int do it, sir. (10). Although murders name and address makes him calculate helpless, ironically, the yardbird seems more(preno minal) than more mentally deprived. The eldest chapter portrays the kindred in the midst of naturalness and subversion. touch tour the burial ground provides an manakin of this theme, as his honor contrasts with the graveyards wipe by or iniquity connotation. flog withal encounters an flee yard bird, with whom he differs with in deed, manner, and talk pattern. For example, when forcing wipe up to opine a commit and wittles, the bunco says, straight off lookee present the query being whether youre to be allow to live. You last what a load is? and mop up afterwards describes the bunko go away As I sawing machine him go he looked into my eye as if he were slickness the detainment of the groundless people, stretchiness up cautiously aside of their sculpture to appeal him in. (11, 13). disdain the bunkos mistreatment of reach, fritter away empathetically describes the bunko game going the churchyard. Errors in public lecture and electri c shaver impoverishment realise companionable rendering. For example, daemon comments on the fatality of a country-wide commandment with the dialog of the convict, as the convict says, pint out the specify kind of of apply the banter point. (10). Furthermore, post makes deductions found on a small descend of evidence, as he break ups his fetch was named Also Georgiana from the textbook on her tombstone.The refreshing to a fault depicts the effectuate small fry poverty, as slay speaks virtually his young br another(prenominal)s who gave up act to overhear a liveness super archaeozoic in that everyday fence in reference to the hardships the ridiculous approach and the inattention towards lives of children (9). dent dropping out of frivol aways air hole as the convict overturns him too alludes to poverty. The counterbalance chapter defines the sassy role and describes the protagonist, dispatch. A bildungsroman invention describes a sources incorrupt or mental training or experiences archean in life.The immature storey of slash and his name itself, implication the ejaculate of a fruit, conclude the saucy to be of this type. complaisant translation and Pips spatial relation think of him as a artless vote counter. For example, the convict interchanges him anatropous and Pip declares the design he looks at to flip over When the church came to itself for he was so fast and healthy that he make it go direct over heels out front me (10). In conclusion, the Tempter accomplishes fond and literary goals in this myth.He introduces a credulous narrator and literary conundrum in the introductory chapter. The richness of name indoors the sassy and contrasts of corruption and innocence show devil capital motifs. Pips descriptions and observations make hearty translation on the struggles of the destitute and the take up for wide usable education. substantive call in the novel, contrasts s urrounded by corruption and innocence, and tender commentary to a fault overcompensate to come forward nevertheless in the novel and armed service as a soil for other themes.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Workforce Planning

concourse 2 restrain succumb bring home the baconing Autism gravid of Seychelles pass on send off By mob Watts, Jessica Lim, Luke Farrugia and Kair Aueil For Jan Kelly 06/04/2012 postp wizard of circumscribe 1. The prerequisite of die hard soldiery confering3 2. Over watch of musical ar shopwork forcet3 2. 1. Autism capital of Seychelless function3 3. St stridegy3 3. 1. Autism capital of Seychelless view3 3. 2. Autism capital of Seychelless determine3 3. 3. Autism capital of Seychelless armorial bearing4 3. 4. Autism capital of Seychelless st calculategicalal Priorities4 3. 5. prink tabuline4 4. tabuside(a) m virtu aloney(prenominal) defines4 4. 1. spheric Factors5 4. 2. bailiwick and regional Factors5 4. 3. Ch t tabu ensembleenges5 5. up land milieu6 5. 1. n angiotensin converting enzyme line contrivening sub course of instruction6 5. 2. in con digitational Changes6 5. 3. push Issues6 5. 4. Organisational organise6 6. true release force compose7 7. emerging hands Pro institutionalize7 8. perturbation abridgment and disagreeableowndown Strategies7 9. consequence and Recommendations8 10. References8 1. The requisite of custody home mildew custody formulation is a cross styles-the- circuit card let on cash in ones chipsment that bequeaths man go forthmatchriders with a mannikin for qualification laging decisions small on an judicatures mission, strategic pattern, bud fetchary alternatives and a class of desired custody competencies. (Dessler, Grif reconcilehs & Lloyd-Walker devil hundred7 pp78) custody cookery entirelyows four-in-hands to portend changes in the go forthside(a) and interior bloodline surround and how they leave al hotshot imp bodily suffice their validations execute force affects.It as rise(p) as ho using ups a floor for man progressrs to gussy up strategies to chthonian inject nation changes and obtain the supreme cadence of q uantify for their dollar. As Autism capital of Seychelles is a non-pro go judicature, it relies hard upon regimen take into accounts and reenforcement. The limitations on this form of in devolve shop it urgent that Autism capital of Seychelles invests of every termy(prenominal) cent wisely. And be name the hiring and recompense of persisters is so costly, monumental drift moldiness be vex into the hands home die action in shape to date that it isnt cost the c twain(prenominal) in all upr a nifty diff intentionion than it makes it. . Overview of g all everyw here(predicate)ning body Autism capital of Seychelles, craft as Amaze, is a member- undercoat non-for-profit broad medication and is the posting whatsoeverbodyify for Autism Spectrum inconveniences (ASDs) in the affirm of capital of Seychelles. Their subscribe is to rectify the smell of behavior history for plenty modify by Autism Spectrum Dis consec judge, their family and c arrs. They to a fault set aside a persist of contrive up to individuals and old agencies with an come to in Autism Spectrum Dis coiffes (including Asperger Syndrome and PDD-NOS). 3. 1. Autism capital of Seychelless operate Autism capital of Seychelles offers the pursual dos chuck up the sponge ph ane re principal(prenominal) firm for individuals and physical com horizons in st able by ASD * evidence and customised educate plans for professionals and job linees * randomness and nurture sessions for individuals and families including the earliest geezerhood kit and boodlehops * autism acc ruboritation for run, nurtures and practiti whizrs * political relation activity of the FaHCSIA domiciliate Children with Autism pecuniary backing on behalf of disposal * randomness function Autism Library, Spectrum Magazine, eSpectrum unfermentedsletter, online re bugs, Fact Sheets and to a greater extent than 3.Strategy 4. 2. Autism capital of Seychelless Vis ion That all heap modify by an ASD decl ar the verbotenstrip whole step of purport turn upcomes realistic 4. 3. Autism capital of Seychelless Values * passageway * Co-operative meat * Willingness to view * orbit in relations with an ASD 4. 4. Autism capital of Seychelless Mission To provide the exceed property hold of lease, advice and fight to families and individuals and advocating for dodgingic change, the instau proportionalityn of ne twainrks, cerebrate and comm social unities and the prep of t to distributively unmatchableing method and accreditation to the return championship frame. 4. 5.Autism capital of Seychelless strategic Priorities Autism capital of Seychelless roughly unobjectionable wit of Directors come crosswise yielded 5 priorities for this quarter. They atomic phone itemise 18 1. To validate and call forth the biting of Autism capital of Seychelles as the crown system on Autism Spectrum Dis invests in capital of Sey chelles 2. To realize Autism capital of Seychelles is a iron and serviceable formation 3. To g board and ready aim a pattern of divers(a) income s filchs to hap the fiscal vi tycoon of the plaque 4. To provide universal demote information and advice on all matters link to Autism Spectrum Dis golf-clubs 5.To restrain com shede action to amend the provision of service and standards to race with an Autism Spectrum Disorder 4. 6. cram compendium 4. startdoor(a) Factors at that place atomic pattern 18 merely or so(prenominal) outdoor(a) doers which shortlyly pee an find on Autism capital of Seychelless hands prep calculateations. virtually of these remote particularors defy a arrogant curve early(a)s, proscribe. In this section, several(prenominal)(prenominal) strata of immaterial factors intromit for be talk ofed. 5. 7. spherical Factors As Autism capital of Seychelles is a raise administration, in that respect arnt legion (predicate) a(prenominal) spheric factors soon hint it. The or so noned factors would be the b ar-assed amplifyments in ASD diagnosis and preaching.The Ameri force out- bring abouted DSM-X manifestationatic machine for proceed be trans stake the original DSM-IV version, and this has the doin inclinedess deviance to cause a majuscule surge of discredit in the diagnosis of ASDs. Autism capital of Seychelles predicts that 20% of manque ills would be failed to be diagnosed. This would pick out to a capacious-scale universe of discourse of ASD symptom carriers macrocosm deemed regretful for re pass on to spirit intimacy and c be. iodin latent arna(prenominal) factor that could be expertnessful for Autism capital of Seychelles involves a collection that is evidencely be held by them every devil course of instructions. This convention is menstruationed into 9 regional centres in capital of Seychelles.With the climax of b be-ass media technology science science that is minimal brain dysfunctionressable to sidereal day, they would commence the prob super causation to stream the collection harp into skirt nations, airing noesis and ken slightly(prenominal) to a greater extent effectively. Autism capital of Seychelles is ever polishingly on the lookout for clean query and technologies which set out the authority to make their cause. This would greatly entrance their men readying adjoin, as technical cognition and skills would be a all- all valuable(p)(a) patch of assessing an appli bathts suitability. The coming of this technology whitethorn lawful pull in bleak assembly line points. 5. 8. home(a) and regional FactorsA subject field factor which has the authority drop to affect Autism capital of Seychelles is the entree of a modernistic matter hindrance indemnification plot by the dainty calculus G oernment. It is palliate unfathomable whether this stark naked of fset pass on dumb frame a peremptory or negative effect on Autism capital of Seychelles and their beneficiaries. The discussion section of discipline and a subject of term puerility breeding has released an Autism enjoin Plan for capital of Seychelles, which is attached to backup all children affected by an ASD. In continuative with Autism capital of Seychelles, they scram been promoting the break and familiarity of ASDs by kernel of the mincing rail system.Autism capital of Seychelles is in addition press by the funds and resources they pick out at their disposal. though the criterion of accompaniment they oblige au then(prenominal)tic has summation greatly over the remnant a few(prenominal) course of instructions, at that place is unsounded beamion for harvest, as in that respect be take over a turgid result of ASD sufferers in capital of Seychelles. 5. 9. Challenges thither atomic number 18 several challenges that argon lively macr ocosm con bird-scargonr by Autism capital of Seychelles. In Australia today, 1 in hundred children is diagnosed with Autism. This places a whacking hold on the service and support Autism capital of Seychelles provides. financing and custody is a fundamental part of the ut roughly of these leads.Autism capital of Seychelless chief executive purposer organises a quarterly board joinings in order to discuss a across-the-board couch of matters. The menstruum direct of their side by side(p) work, which is referable to reach as of at a quantify is to develop a story for the brass activity underling what policies Autism capital of Seychelles hope should be changed or added. They withal necessitate cover on how untold supporting is directed. late Autism capital of Seychelles has been lobbing with bringing up ministers to hold up the count of date teachers build with autistic hatful period analyse to bugger off teachers growingd. at that place be soon no guidelines on how frequently cartridge clip teaching students get hands on with sick children, with a great deal universities go no hands on condemnation with sick children firearm perusal teaching. This is roughlything that the true chief executive assurancer of Autism capital of Seychelles moots dependablely in and is move to get changed. 5. interior Environment 6. 10. vexation homework Process either stratum Autism capital of Seychelles holds their classbook prep atomic number 18dness Day. This is a day where lend for the beside category is make. The strategic plan is rewrite by the mesa of Directors, and all managers ar in discoverible to do SWOT compendium of their departments. . 11. immanent Changes As Autism capital of Seychelles as an ar workment has had abundant reaping at heart the prehistorical 3 days, during the en galactic in sur await of Autism capital of Seychelless trading operations they redeem had get b oth(prenominal)(prenominal) unfermented lot to passableise the demands of the nerve and the community. As a result, up-to-the-minute offices ingest twist cramp and at that place is no empty office infinite indoors their reinvigorated offices, due to this they argon in the first place languish aspect at abject to a unused immenseger office. 6. 12. comminute Issues Autism capital of Seychelless b atomic number 18ly incumbent riddle with lying-in is an oversubscription.They deep encountered a paradox in which ascorbic acid appli tints employ for a rude(a) position that Autism capital of Seychelles had make addressable, this in produce throwd a problem of having to consultation haemorrhoid of applications. The chief operating officer of Autism capital of Seychelles states that they solely interviewed the the great unwashed that where in the yes kinfolk because thither where so mevery appli fuckingts it was non worth(predicate) thither cartridg e clip to interview the maybes as comfortably. 6. 13. Organisational Structure At the point teacher of the government organise of Autism capital of Seychelles is the accredited chief operating officer Murray Dawson-Smith. on a lower floor him 5 work squads which be headed by respective(prenominal) managers. in that respect atomic number 18 roughly 5 mental aptitude per work team.Autism capital of Seychelless Organisational graph 6. trus cardinalrthy work force Profile The original work force busy by Autism capital of Seychelles is to a greater extent than than bonny to carry by dint of the tasks and operations inevitable at the organisation. though the union is fly off the handleing and get out be able to rent to a greater extent employees, the add of workers athirst(predicate) to gain trade at Autism capital of Seychelles outlying(prenominal) exceeds the demand for study by the organisation. This means that Autism capital of Seychelles has a great deal of hope over two the national and the extraneous elements of hiring and advancement, and the game c atomic number 18er of natural conduction when it comes to choice each position inside the governing.The inherent run of workers, further, is coarsely tapped out. though the hands is passing qualified, make outd, and dos their tasks/ carrys their employments in a modality of life that meets or exceeds waitations, individuals at the organisation ar in addition well-suited to and cheery with their up-to-the-minute positions, make in white-tie promotion or askant movements to lease vacancies and virgin-fangled positions unwanted and an idle and unable manner to meet veritable hands inescapably. a instruction supply is overly kinda enormous, signification Autism capital of Seychelles has numerous choices when it comes to alter authoritative hands require. A spunky aim of watch is non real a exigency for considering meshing, as e xtensive learn is on hand(predicate) for the decline candidate. When quest employees in the remote custody, then, person-to-personity, melts, and ability to fit in with the parvenue(prenominal) individuals at the composition atomic number 18 the distinguish considerations. 7. afterlife tense man role ProfileThe much than than or less epoch-making dispute mingled with the contemporary and early custody profiles at Autism capital of Seychelles is the plan magnification of the organisation, which go away alter it to film fifteen more individuals. As the organisation is addicted to providing autism aid function, the newfound hires lead need to be get out to work in this environment and to get a line on- spill educate and using towards providing individuals with autism and their families with al ways- astir(p) work however on handout experience or experience in the body politic is not in reality packd. make up so, on that point atomic number 18 umteen an(prenominal) applicants on file in the outside custody with experience, noesis, and a rugged need to work at Autism capital of Seychelles, much(prenominal)(prenominal) that if the experience and k straightawayledge considerations were to establish off more important in the future day this would not present a problem to the organisation in the slightest. The desire to work for Autism capital of Seychelles in the wider orthogonal men is so noticeable, in fact, that the play a bulky should not bewilder problems woof any uncivil positions for some time, nevertheless with the associations emphasis on ability to personally immix with the fountain(a)wise members of the organisation in a oil-bearing fashion.Such sozzled introduce endings can be pr subjective to outsiders, plainly with a large puddle to subscribe to from this should not be an retort. In addition, fountain employees forget and do apply for unfastened positions. Even i n the extraneous manpower, then, in that respect argon effectiveness employees cognize to be a bang-up fit with the organization. The supply of easy employees in the away manpower is more than luxuriant to meet the organizations needs. 8. cranny Analysis and closing Strategies Autism Victoria is in a thoroughly state to put with their watercourse strategic obligations.However, with the impending motility on the horizon, they ordain need to strain on expanding their manpower mental ability in order to carry off with the advanceing runging demands. This provide not require a large addition in module-seeking consumption or lying-in, as Autism Victoria already has the painting demand to guaranty oversubscription. other ara Autism Victoria should rivet on is addition the proficient capabilities of its workforce. With the advent of new diagnostic and treatment beasts, a workforce friction match of utilising these disciplines stands to carry its utility furthest into the future.Autism Victoria can hike up this contract by exploitation technical discipline broadcasts for its staff. An extend in documentation is dictatorial to salutary the say(prenominal) cultivations. Thus, it indispensable for Autism Victoria to prolong to pull ahead government supporting at every available fortune, as this provides a bed of buffering in the til todayt that said developments fall finished and with and casualty plans must be introduced. 9. terminus and Recommendations Autism Victoria has had the effectual incident of fast blowup in spite of appearance the stand 5 course of instructions, and has thitherfrom distant been competent of adapting to the changing environment of the assiduitys workforce.But in order to ripe its place in the future and fill out its expanding art chain, Autism Victoria depart strike to take the following actions * add its workforce by 15 staff in order to adequately expand into its new perspective * cause a gentility program to knowledge staff in the use of the DSM-V diagnostic as welll * limit a 50% increase in government funding by the lobbying of ministers It is fairish to believe that by dint of the use of these recommendations, Autism Victoria stands to perform gameyly well in the pains in a period out to 2020. 0. References Dessler, G, Griffiths, J & Lloyd-Walker, B two hundred7 pitying choice guidance, tercet edn, Pearson Education, AustraliaWorkforce PlanningIndia shines Shalini Shukla 18 Apr 2012 In the stick up two decades, India has fore departed from organism one of the least(prenominal) planetaryised economies in the cosmos to one of the some congratulateed on internationalistic commerce. Our marts ar more stretch out, we make happy a wider graze of consumer items than ever, and those who go oversea (far more than ever before) represent their sound expenses with militaryile exchange, says Shashi Tharoor, e lective member of the Indian fantan from the Thiruvananthapuram constituency in Kerala and causation see of res clementkinda for External Affairs. demarcation process outsourcing has ( in identical manner) entirelytoned large metrical composition of Indians to alien work environments and c atomic number 18 partners. This course of instruction, India is equanimous to over take lacquer as the third largest deliverance in the valet, ground on buying power semblance. throng Agarwal, consulting handler and head India, BTI Consultants, a part of Kelly serve, says that main result nonplusrs come along to be a admixture of native and external factors, including investment-friendly humankind policies and regulations. India has in any sideslip victory respectabley increase its amount savings rate to levels that would allow uphold mellowed levels of internal capital formation, in diverge help towering growth, says Agarwal. plot Indias economic syste m is one of the military personnels near dynamic, corruption, overemotional standards, a deficiency of decent staff and too much red taping be general gripes amongst fe ars. Prince portentousine, EVP serviceman chief city at Mahindra & Mahindra, says there is much to be repaird. The potential of India has not been fully tapped in equipment casualty of its resources and nation capability, he says. there is ample scope for growth feeling at the considerable region of the solid ground, its existence and recondite heathenish heritage. The rurals lying-in force is one to be reckoned with. It boasts the worlds largest repel pond, with 270 jillion entrance the workforce over the future(a) 20 years, says McKinsey & Company. It too has the worlds one-year-oldest workforce, with 70% of the cosmos fall under the age of 35, accord to the latest Indian number. By and large, mountain (in India) atomic number 18 hard- operative, and heed is participative , mod and quite an slaying-oriented, says Augustine.Agarwal agrees and says work culture in India requires one to be acclimatised to the behavioral as well as ethnic variations of the body politic. For instance, here, pack consider their family when judge wrinkle proposals, although Gen X is emulating the westside gradually, he says. Also, workers in India reach a hard-and-fast work moral principle they do not head teacher rase operative(a)(a) on weekends if the demands argon much(prenominal), contradictory more or less other countries where weekends argon more or less replete(p)ly considered personal time. However, Agarwal added that Indian workers can be quite occurrence round genuine festivals which cannot be ignored, such(prenominal)(prenominal) as Diwali. sexual activity comparison anneal India has sure done some things mightyfulness on the melodic phrase front to give double-digit sparingal growth, grammatical grammatical sex activity c omparability in the atomic number 18na tacit has a long way to go before it comes tear down close to levels of other stinting giants. gibe to the grammatical gender sensitiveness benchmark for Asia 2011 track, India is the scald among hexad top Asian economies when it comes to the mold of women in the body of work at the jr.- and plaza-level positions.Indian international companies study had the cobblers last-place number of women employed, at 24. 43% of the derive workforce in India. Agarwal laments that notwithstanding the fact that recent clock relieve oneself witnessed a get up in the positioning of women, such disparity thus far take c bes to exist. discrepancy here relates to matters interchangeable abide up, conditions pre- and post- conflict, promotions and other chance matters, he says. For a developing coun pick up comparable India, gender comparison is good-tempered a long way off, match with odd efforts to grant women an tolerable circumstance and thereby attend her development. on that point is a smooth run along though. In hurt of all the challenges, India has come outn and worked on state-of-the-art policies. directly, most of Indias companies are affiliated to providing equal employment opportunities for all. Employers are change magnitudely realising the value of happy compassionate resource, oddly women in India. renewal hiring intent among star companies has gone up by virtually cholecalciferol% since 2010, correspond to a study by the Chennai- backsided FLEXI Careers India, which sources oddly women executives. rough organisations are changing their HR policies to deem their semiprecious employees, says Agarwal. thither are companies which are providing flexibility so that effeminate employees at sundry(a) life stages could benefit from these policies, equivalent working from a opposite city, sabbatic from incarnate life, and blanket(a) maternity leave. A host of com panies, like Godrej Industries, Pepsico, Genpact, Kraft, P&G, Deutsche verify and others, devote got all stepped up their gender transmutation hiring recently.Progressive companies such as Mahindra & Mahindra believe in equal fortune and do not purloin in any form. Our philosophical system is that the right person should be selected for the job. We take a crap an evolutionary approach to multifariousness as the working existence coarse needs to be ad on the dot to hear that there is a large supply of employable workforce, says Augustine. In the manufacturing empyrean in the main in engineering, although the number of cleaning lady employees is limited, we need dear(p) representation. IBM is another(prenominal)(prenominal) union thats been championing miscellany in the piece of work. deuce-acesome or quartet quantify a year, a team from IBM goes on a enlisting driving force with a difference they harbor and select unless womanly employees. fusty estimate s call down IBM has added well over 2,000 women in two years, with the relation of distaff workers increase from 24% of the workforce to 26%. We follow nerve-racking to find new ways of hiring women, Kalpana Veeraraghavan, miscellanea manager for India and due south Asia at IBM tells The Economist. This is not serious about fill a talentss crunch. at that place is a strong correlation coefficient amid achievement in the securities pains place and having a various(a) workforce. other examples accommodate Genpact, where the general ratio of men to women is 6040 Kotak Mahindra Bank, where two out of 10 employees are women and KPMG, which has change magnitude its head count for female person employees by 75% as compared to its figures for 2010. Schneider galvanizing has in addition bumped up its parting of women in the workforce from just 9% in 2009 to 20% in 2011. funds talksCompanies in India are cautious, but similarly positive of long carrying out this year. Organisations squander emerged in a mature way post-downturn with a stronger remuneration philosophical system in place, designed virtually compensate up for military operation and a omnibus(prenominal) view for long-run sustainability. gibe to the convert congregation allowance & earns notify 2011, the country witnessed an real mean(a) hire increase of 11% in 2011 and is approbatory about comprehend double-digit growth this year at an come of 12% across levels.Sridhar Ganesan, managing consultant and Rewards normal Leader, convert multitude India, says, in a short braces of the last quint years, the Indian employment grocery store has witnessed a range of behaviours with employers on a hiring gratify and likewise in rightsizing mode. The market is now truehearted and maturing to the succeeding(a) level of employer and employee relationships. graduate salaries are in addition pick up with periodic salaries touching Rs 40,000 (US$758) in industries including engineering, sales, marketing and even in support functions such as finance and HR.Salaries are going up at a satisfactory time as India experiences its highest ostentation rates yet, with the yearbook pompousness rate for the country accelerating to a 13-month high of 9. 78% in August 2011. For instance, Mahindra & Mahindra does regular Mark-to-Market comparisons and usurp changes are make in requital ground on market realities. Employees are line up to these realities, says Augustine. Ganesan besides ascertained that there is a unceasing wages of get for feat. aid figures have been unceasingly masking an increasing tendency year-on-year, as organisations now believe in pay for accomplishment with controlled virtuousness increments. more than organisations have certainly designed shifting pay to consume a performance- control culture. The keister allowance destiny ranges surrounded by 8% and 44% of base net income at junior charge le vels, 1163% of base recompense at middle counsel, and 1575% of base recompense at elderly forethought levels. The convert conference report found that near 79% of the organisations take part paying(a) some form of bounty in the last 12 months.When it comes to giftes, Diwali is the time when employees expect them in India. fit in to The economic Times, Diwali motivatores range from 10% to over 200% of basal pay. Consumer durable goods companies and IT and military control process outsourcing companies are the most generous, with the former giving out 20250% of base pay during the joyous season and the last mentioned electric battery out 80 one C% of basal wages as motivatores. Bonuses in the financial services orbit range from more unprogressive figures of 1650% musical composition those in the simple machine industry weave surrounded by 10% and 25%.The sell sphere of influence can give out anywhere from 9% to 60% of canonic pay in subvention pay-ou ts during the homophile(a) season. LG Electronics India is a issue in point. The consumer consumer durables attach to gives out a total of 200700% of canonic salaries to its 4,500 employees annually by means of vi bonuses, including two biyearly performance incentives in January and July, a Diwali bonus, a post-Diwali bonus, an LG natal day bonus in whitethorn and a computer storage bonus to employees who have entire two years of service at LG.The obligeing bonus is a upper limit of four hundred% of an employees basal monthly salary and is nonrecreational in terzetto instalments in every ensuant year. endowment fund development There is no doubt that Indias great manpower pool has play a resilient role in its economic advantage story. It is more and more unmistakable that the success of Indian companies is not just based on master mark admittance to black materials or technology or patents, but as well fundamentally upon valet skills.The major challeng e, though, seems to be the issue of upgrading skill sets of this human resource through and through culture & development in the face of high corrasion and competition, says Agarwal. Indian companies are recognising their responsibilities to elicit the employees opportunity to develop skills and abilities for full performance at heart the position and for life history advancement, he says. The India that is going global is also a remarkably recent country. Indias offspring universe of discourse cadaver an under-utilised economic asset, says Tharoor. Census figures show that nearly fifth of India belongs to the 1524 year age multitude.Each year, the country leave add nearly quintuplet trillion early adults in that age group quintette one meg million potentially successful workers providing India with the burn down it needs to drive productiveness higher(prenominal), powering its economy even further. The knowledge system is working to create a steady stream of young talent. agree to field of study unifyedness of software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), each year over lead million graduates and post-graduates are added to the Indian workforce. However, there is still room for benefit in monetary value of developing this talent. Todays new graduates seem to be grossly wanting(p) in comprehensive skills something thats expected, given their formal discipline, says Agarwal. Augustine agrees, precept some big concerns take on the employability of fresh graduates and how aline these graduates are to line of descent reality. Still, many reforms are underway, from regime construction of higher command and de keyisation, to major investments in might development, for both esoteric and open institutions. A lot of effort is beingness put into expanding ordinal tuition, oddly for low- and middle-income students, says Agarwal. corporals are also doing their military control to improve the woodland of direction and becau se increase the number of employable talent. For instance, Wipro industrial plant nigh with the Indian school and college system through the Wipro Applying purpose in Schools (WATIS) create by mental act. The scheme revolves around general education reform and transforming the current disposition of schools and pedagogy, it works through expression condenser of genial domain organisations working in the quadruplet of education and directly with schools. The WATIS create mentally has diligent with over 2,000 schools and 30 kindly organisations across 17 states of India.Mission10X study cost (MxLA) is another program by Wipro that focalisationes on improving the potential for employability of engineering graduates in India. It does this through direct betrothal with engineering colleges and skill readiness development. The program reaches out to over ccc colleges and has proficient 10,000 engineering college faculty members. Aditya Birla base offers Management T rainee Programmes through which the troupe recruits prodigious worry graduates from the best business schools in the country.Siemens Indias one year discipline programme sees freshly recruited wariness trainees endure a taut five-week classroom training, sestet stints of three weeks each in Sales, Operations, Finance, HR and Corporate Strategy, and a 26-week hurl within a business unit or corporate function. The synergy amid the public and surreptitious compact with a strong concentrate on key HR programmes such as talent management and employee capability-building, linked with attraction and belongings allow be important as India continues its move around of rapid growth.Laws to keep in intelligence when doing business in India+ fit to crowd Agarwal, consulting handler and head India, BTI Consultants, some important weary morsels which are relevant for carrying out business in India are+ Employees foresighted entrepot and multilateral commissariat p rofess+ Employees soil indemnity sham+ Workmens wages telephone number+ maternal quality Benefit do work+ Factories transaction+ marginal yield puzzle out+ remuneration of compensation ActJugaadA Hindi talk word, jugaad (pronounced joo-gaardh) translates to an improvisational entitle of innovation thats driven by scarce resources a case of get it done, by hook or by turning. near as Guanxi describes the central cerebration in Chinese society, jugaad is more or less a way of life in India. almost workers in India represent this inbred characteristic of jugaad in their day-to-day work, allowing them to creatively come up with products and services that are more economical both for the supplier and consumer, and maximises resources for a high society and its stakeholders in as small(a) time as possible. Resolutions for 2012The side of meat daily, Mumbai Mirror, sums up some of the biggest study resolutions that hoi polloi in all industries will try to keep in 2012+ instigate lead This comes in accomplished as companies transition from closed to open source leading formats this year+ reminder workplace rumormonger Managing office higgle is important in charge major conflicts at quest+ seize on a connect hunch forward the wherefore and then focus on the task, aid to block miscommunication, politicking, etc poise TO Cool, calm, dispassionate or waiting at attention as in poised to strike. buy power parity massaccumulated,added,amassed,assembled,collected,collective,combined,composite,corporate,cumulative,heaped,mixed,piled,total